Join us on Tuesday, March 25th at 10:00 a.m. for our Sheehan Landing ribbon-cutting!
3501 Sheehan Landing Dr., Louisville, KY, 40219
Kentucky’s FIRST Single-Site Supportive Housing
Working with LDG Development, we are building 80 one-bedroom apartments in a facility with on-site services for residents that will reduce isolation, increase access to social support, improve health outcomes, improve community integration, and contribute to recovery. Opening in early 2025.

St. John Center began providing scattered-site Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) in 2008 to meet a specific unmet need for housing for the individuals the Common Assessment Team identified as the most vulnerable. We are one of nine scattered-site permanent supportive housing providers in Louisville. Today, St. John Center provides housing and permanent case management for 132 formerly chronically homeless people. We provide a uniquely successful program model. In 2019, 19% of residents in all of Louisville’s permanent supportive housing programs returned to homelessness within 12 months. During the same year, only 2% of individuals living in St. John Center’s program returned to homelessness.
Since the start of the PSH program in 2008, the program’s housing retention rate has exceeded the 80% HUD-mandated rate of people in the program who must retain housing for six or more months. In FY 2024, 99% of St. John Center’s PSH clients retained their housing for 12+ months.

Sheehan Landing, named after St. John Center’s founding director, Sister Mary Kathleen Sheehan, is a Housing First development that will provide 80 furnished one-bedroom apartments. These apartments will be specially designed to address the unique needs
of people who experience multiple, complex physical and mental disabilities. The apartments will be designed to be accessible to people with limited mobility and include specialized safety features.
Most importantly, the apartments will be in a building providing 24-hour staffing and security. Case managers will be on-site so that residents have access to support when they need it most. St. John Center has partnered with Phoenix Health Center to provide medical healthcare services in the building. Residents will have access to Dare to Care food support, behavioral health services, payee services, and legal services. Sheehan Landing will also have community space allowing residents to gather in groups for support, education, and socialization.
St. John Center looks forward to filling this critical gap in services in the Louisville area.
Major Naming Opportunities
Naming opportunities are often an opportunity to honor a loved one or person who made a difference in one’s life. It is a lasting way for individuals, businesses, and organizations to send a strong message of commitment to the rest of the community. As they lend their name to a physical area of Sheehan Landing and its expansion, donors show a strong sign of support for our current and future physical needs. St. John Center’s leadership will work with donors on appropriate recognition of these generous gifts. Gifts can be made using a variety of assets, including cash, stock, crypto, and more.
For more information or to explore additional naming opportunities, contact Ashley Murray at (502) 568-6758 or amurray@stjohncenter.org.
Sheehan Landing Groundbreaking, March 8th, 2024