Neighbors Supporting Neighbors on the Road Home
We hope YOU will join us as a sponsor of Raisin’ the Rent 2025. Your support ensures that people in our community experiencing homelessness have access to outreach, day shelter, social services, and supportive housing.

How we Raise the Rent
Every year, the St. John Center community gathers in the spirit of the Harlem Rent Parties of the 1920’s when neighbors came together to “raise the rent” for their neighbors who fell on hard times. Join us in March 2025 when we will gather once again to support street outreach, day shelter, social services and supportive housing to people experiencing homelessness in our community. Raisin’ the Rent 2025 will include a raffle, silent auction, and an evening of games, food, and celebration!

Raisin’ the Rent Sponsorship Levels

Sponsor of Miracles
- Two tables of 8
- Table tent signage with corporate logo
- Corporate logo on screens and signage at live event and recognition during the program
- Corporate logo on event website, promotional material, and social media
- Recognition in three print newsletters
- Recognition in three e-newsletters
- Logo placement on all raffle tickets and advertisements
- Logo placement on silent auction mobile bidding app

Sponsor of Hope
- One table of 8
- Table tent signage with corporate logo
- Corporate logo on screens at live event and recognition during the program
- Corporate logo on event website and in social media post
- Recognition in one print newsletter
- Recognition in one e-newsletter
- Logo placement on silent auction mobile bidding app

Sponsor of Dreams
- Four tickets to the event
- Table tent signage with corporate logo
- Corporate logo on screens and signage at live event
- Corporate logo on event website and social media
- Recognition in one e-newsletter
- Logo placement on silent auction mobile bidding app