Community Support Through Ministries Volunteering
We are excited by churches or faith-based organizations that are called to partner with us and serve Louisville’s unhoused population. There are many ways to support, including in-kind donations, volunteering your time, organizing collection drives for immediate needs, having SJC speak at your church or event, and more.
SJC has been serving people in need since 1986. No matter the reason, we meet our guests where they are to help elevate their needs. The shelter provides safe shelter, clean facilities, and resources to our unhoused neighbors. Our values and beliefs align with faith-based organizations looking for serving opportunities.
Much of our support comes from the helping hands of volunteer groups like yours and for that, we are truly grateful! Your efforts will help people experiencing homelessness address the barriers to housing and self-sufficiency so they can leave homelessness for good.

Ways that Your Faith-Based Organization Can Partner With St. John Center:

We’re grateful to receive funding from several faith-based organizations partners who allocate funds for SJC out of their mission’s budgets and/or special love offerings. Additionally, several churches host collection drives to fill our immediate needs, including new socks and undergarments, items for the shower room, and more. We appreciate any gifts and put them to use – quickly!
Contribution Form Shelter Supply Wish ListGroup Volunteering
Many faith-based organizations and volunteer groups enjoy coming to our facilities to serve together. Groups serve meals outside, cleaning, and special projects to serve our clients. Contact us to schedule your church community service project with SJC today.

Host Events for Clients and Guests
We’re always open to partnering with groups that’d like to host events or activities for our clients and/or guests. For example, supporting activities and celebrations for the Permanent Supportive Housing clients quarterly or providing music for the guests in the shelter. If you have an idea in mind or a heart to serve in this way, contact us!
Request a Speaker
Our staff, board, volunteers, and clients champion the mission and can share why Housing First is important to people’s lives here! Contact us today for more information!