Read the letter from our Executive Director

In Fiscal Year 2022, 2,446 clients visited the St. John Center Day Shelter and Social Services center 45,046 times – in fact, we welcomed 33% more people this year than last year.
We greeted every client by name, offering a warm welcome. For 36 years, with this simple action, we have worked to promote the dignity and wellbeing of all of those we care for, and those that have cared for us — clients, volunteers, staff, and people who stop by to learn more about who we are and what we do here. This core value put into practice each day is something that has not changed.
And yet, in Fiscal Year 2022, St. John Center the organization saw a lot of change.
The beloved and visionary Maria Price transitioned out of the role of Executive Director and I stepped in late September of 2021. In the few weeks Maria and I were able to spend together, she tried her best to upload decades worth of historical knowledge into my brain. More importantly, she spent the time making sure that I knew the value of our community, the people we serve, and the values that guide us.
The passing of St. John Center’s founding director in January of 2022 was another change for the organization. But by maintaining our commitment to our core values, we also ensure that Sister Mary Kathleen Sheehan’s life and vision continue to guide our work.
Last fiscal year we worked to make the experience of our team members more equitable and sustainable. We welcomed over 100 volunteers back into the building, as we learned more about how to operate safely amidst global pandemic. Together, focused on growing our organizational capacity to meet the growing numbers and needs of people experiencing homelessness in our community.
We know that ending homelessness for good requires affordable and supportive housing. And we see every single day that there simply isn’t enough of that housing to meet the need. Part of the organizational change of the last year has been embarking on a transformative journey to stand in this gap and be a bigger part of the solution.
Across our programs, the Day Shelter, Street Outreach, and Permanent Supportive Housing teams continue to help clients address barriers to housing. They do this by meeting people exactly where they are – and accompanying them on the road home.
While we know that St. John Center will continue to grow and change to meet the needs of the people we serve – the way we serve and the values we employ guide us every day of the journey.
Thank you for being part of those values and part of this work.

Ra’Shann Martin
Executive Director, St. John Center

Street Outreach
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
people received 3,857 services
of those served entered permanent housing
out of 26 total Metro Council Districts served in response to 3-1-1 calls
Day Shelter and Social Services Center
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
people visited the Day Shelter and Social Services Center 45,046 times
Day Shelter guests moved off the streets and into permanent housing
of Day Shelter guests used social services in addition to accessing basic shower, shelter, phone, and mail services
Day Shelter guests increased their income
housing-related services were provided for 556 Day Shelter guests
of Day Shelter guests were veterans

Permanent Supportive Housing
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
people in the Permanent Supportive Housing program
of those in Permanent Supportive Housing gained or maintained income
of those in Permanent Supportive Housing retained housing for 12 or more months
Financial Information: FY 2022
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022

Our Partners: FY 2022
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Addiction Recovery Care (ARC)
Block by Block
CARAT (Coordinating Assisting the Reuse of Assistive Technology)
Cathedral of the Assumption
Catholic Charities
Center for Supportive Housing
Christian Care Communities
Coalition for the Homeless
Exodus Ministries
Family Health Center Phoenix Common Assessment Team
Free to Hope
Goodwill of Kentucky
Hope Village
House of Ruth
Jeff Street Baptist Church
Jefferson County Clerks Office
Kentucky Harm Reduction Coalition
Kentucky Housing Corporation
Kept, Inc.
Legal Aid Society
Lexington Fair Housing Council
LDG Development
Louisville Metro Health Department
Metro Louisville Office of Resilience and Community Services
New Directions Housing Corp.
Peace Hospital
Safe Place
St. Vincent de Paul
Schumann Center
Seven Counties Services
UK/ Metro Louisville Health Department Syringe Exchange
Recovery Community Connection (LRCC)
Social Security Administration
Talbot House
Transit Authority of River City
Uniting Partners for Women and Children (UP)
University of Louisville Hospital Emergency Room and Emergency Psychiatric Services
University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work
Veterans Administration
Volunteers of America
YouthBuild Louisville
Board of Directors: FY 2022
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Anne-Britton Arnett, Chair
VP, Information Mgt and Analytics, Humana
Russell Smith, Immediate Past Chair
Realtor, Kentucky Select Properties
Julie Boatright, Vice Chair
Chief of Staff, Central Division, Humana
Mark Metcalf, Treasurer
CPA, Mariner Wealth Advisors
Danielle Wakaba. Secretary
Assessor, Seven Counties Services
Tomas Aguilera
Construction Management Consultant
Jessica Bartell
VP, Provider Relations, OptumRX
Thomas Bell
Susanne Binford
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
John Desmarais
Senior Director, Retail Nat’l Accts, GE Appliances
Kevin Dunlap
Executive Director, REBOUND, Inc
Gabe Fritz
Director of Development, Winterwood Development
Ricardo Goodin
Case Manager, Phoenix Health Center
Andy Kaelin
Vice President of Accounting at Beacon Community Credit Union
Whitney King
Community Home Lending Advisor, Chase Bank
Don Kavanaugh
Retired; IT volunteer
Phani Konduru
Chief Digital and Technology Officer at Bright Spring Health Services
Amanda Loehle
Relationship Manager, number8
Brian Mangan
Manager, Care Mgt & Clinical Effectiveness, Norton
Kevin Manring
Building Inspector, Lou Metro Government
Smith Rodes
Housing development research
Brandon Rodgers
Senior Analyst, Retail Operations, Constellation Energy
Tom Simms
Attorney, English Law Office
Roy Welch
Attorney, Welch Law Office
Aaron Watt
Assoc VP Risk Management, Humana
Lauren Wernert,
Benefits Manager, Confluent Health
Sr. Mary Kathleen Sheehan, SCN, Director Emeritus

Staff: FY 2022
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Street Outreach
T.J Martin
Outreach Manager
Jamie Bush
Outreach Worker
Carrie Dorton
Lead Peer Outreach Worker
Brian McAdams
Outreach Worker
Vernon Nixon
Outreach Worker
Rebecca Sanders
Outreach Worker
Robert Sutton
Outreach Worker
Tiny Herron
Outreach Worker
Day Shelter and Social Services Center
Cortney Foster
Day Shelter Manager
Elgin Bullock
Safety and Services Aide
Hailey Culp
Safety and Services Aide
Shannon Frey
Services and Volunteer Coordinator
Ella Franklin
PRN Safety and Services Aide
Keesha Gardner
Employment Counselor
Wright Gordon
Safety and Services Manager
Tom Parmenter
Housing Counselor
Greg Capillo
Housing Navigator
Raymond Schafer
Safety and Services Aide
Robin Harrod
Housing Navigator
Permanent Supportive Housing
Sarah Buckler
Supportive Housing Manager
James Alexander
Housing Case Manager
Laura Farkas-Bowser
Housing Case Manager
Amanda Hay
Housing Case Manager
Ronda Maddox
Housing Case Manager
Kevin Stallard
Housing Peer Specialist, AmeriCorps
Whit Stodghill
Housing Case Manager
Building Services
Decorick Curry
Kevin Branham
Maria Price
Executive Director
Ra’Shann Martin
Executive Director
Dawn Howard
Director of Finanace
Jane Walsh
Director of Mission Advancement
Mary Luke Noonan
Associate Director
Jim Fulkerson
Community Relationship Coordinator
Nicole Mantilla
Finance Coordinator
Karen Morris
Grants Administrator
Gail Nall
Grant Writer
Jane Tyler
Finance Assistant
Jenn Young
Special Events Coordinator
Tracie Utter
Director of Finance and Personnel Management
Volunteers: FY 2022
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Rebecca Abel
Sr. Jaqueline Aceto
Kate Alcorn
Lauren Allen
Bobbi Andriakos
Anne-Britton Arnett
Wayne Barber
Jessica Bartell
Casey Bernard
Julie Boatright
Thomas Bowman
Molly Brewer
Jeanne Bruenderman
Kathie Buchino
Amber Burrus
Mary Ann Carlisle
Susan Carpenter
Dave Cooper
Pam Crandal
Hailey Culp
John Dickens
Bill Donovan
Colette Dumstorf
Tom Flaherty
Logan Flecke
Brian Fockler
Cathy Ford
Preyer Fountain
Heather Fox
Anthony Frazier
Will Gipe
Barbara Gray
Daniel Guzman
Sr. Agnes Hagan
DuWayne Hamilton
Becca Hamrin
Dan Hartlage
Paul Hatfield
Thomas Herman
Erik Huff
Jeb Jarrell
Kristi Jedlicki
Christina Jones
Ted Jones
Kyung Kang
Dick Kaukas
St. Eva Kowalski
Patty Laurence
Natalie Laurence
Kathie Lepping
Bill Lepping
Steve Levy
Jane Lockard
Bob Lockard
Bob Lockhart
Jack Lydon
Emily Major
Rae Martin
Jeannie McNatt
David Meyer
Woody Miller
Alan Mitchell
Sandra Mlinarcik
Sam Moore
Chris Mueller
Marty Murphy
Gene Naviaux
Doug Neat
Mike Ngong
William Ngong
Aggie Noonan
Pat Numann
Paul Olberz
Abby Perez
Randy Peters
Luke Phillipose
Marie Pierce
Sheree Porter
Grace Promer
Steve Quinkert
Sandy Reed
Ronald Reesor
Alex Richardson
Smith Rodes
Jack Russell
Jonathan Rymer
Sherley Sample
Jon Sanders
Mary Schmidt
Geoff Schwartz
Betty Senn
Prafula Sheth
Fred Sims
JT Sims
Kevin Sims
Thomas Simms
Beth Smith-Tillery
Will Southall
Nick Stouffer
Phil Sullivan
Carole Sutton
Pat Thomas
Sarah Van Heiden
Russ Vanderbrouke
Rita Ward
Ed Weyler
John Wheatley
Bo Williams
Vicki Zurlage